About sleeping

一、the history of mattress in China

Stage one:After the first revolution, the Chinese eventually changed from sleeping plank bed and Kang to sleeping in the mattress.

Stage two: During the second sleep revolution in 90 years, People have begun to pursue healthy sleeping and high-quality European mattress.

二、Misunderstanding of choosing mattress 

misunderstanding 1: Chinese traditional consider that hard mattress is better. 

misunderstanding 2:Chinese traditional consider that soft mattress are bad for health, and harmful to grow up.

三、The basic idea of choosing mattress

According to personal sleep habits, Choosing a suitable mattress with moderate hardness.

Consumers should use hands and body to try to lie down and feel the texture and  internal material structure of the mattress.

In the trial of lying down, the spine needs to feel completely close to the mattress.

It's better to have a bed frame, or else the mattress is more easily to damage. 

Finally Consumers need to understand own needs (e.g. size, Brand etc.

四、mattress and health

 Hard mattress people lying on the top only a few parts of the head and shoulder back and fit so that the suspended waist can not get appropriate support and rest,A soft spring mattress can cause sleeper sink into it, as if the entire mattress has collapsed.It is the most damage to spine. For people with stiff spondylitis and spine deformed,it aggravate their pain.

With the increasing of ages, bone development blood flow and weight also change.Therefore,people’s requirement for mattress change.

in general, long-term wrong sleeping position, especially using wrong mattresses, will cause the vertebrae to move, thus stimulating the internal nerves of the spine, resulting in the gradual loss of normal function of the organs controlled by the nerve. The spine is the main bone structure supporting the body and extends to all parts of the body through the joints between the vertebrae and the joints.

people turn over hundreds of times in the sleeping time. But why? turn over is because you want a more comfortable posture. good mattress can reduce turn over and you will be fresh when you get up. Good sleep is good to our growth function and recovery function. Immune function, memory function, learning function. 

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